Yamaha AX-2000 je stereo integrovaný zosilňovač vyrábaný na prelome 80-tych a 90-tych rokov 20-teho storočia. Išlo o najvyšší model výrobcu.

Rok výroby: 1990-1993
Cena: 4400,- CHF (1993)
Predchodca: Yamaha A-2000 /A-2000A (1983-1987)
Nástupca: A-S2000, A-S3000

Technické parametre 

Integrated Amplifier  AX-2000
 Direct Input Switch  Yes
 Minimum RMS Output Power
 8Ω, 1 kHz, 
 130 W + 130 W
 Total Harmonic Distortion (8Ω, 20 Hz to 20 kHz)  0.003 %
 High Dynamic Power/Low-Impedance Drive Capability  Yes
 Dynamic Power/Ch (8/4/2 Ohms)  180/340/500 W
 Damping Factor (8 Ohms, 1 kHz)  130
 Signal-to-Noise Ratio (MC, MM, CD)  85 / 88 / -- dB
Continuously Variable Loudness Control  Yes
Rec Out Selector  Yes
Dimensions (W x H x D)  473 x 170 x 475 mm
Weight  28 kg

Existuje aj model s označením AX-2000A (analógový), ktorý sa pravdepodobne predával na japonskom trhu.
Na rozdiel od modelu AX-2000 nemá model AX-2000A digitálne a video vstupy. Na ich miesto sa dostali vstupy "direct" v prevedení balanced (XLR konektory) a unbalanced, ktoré sa zapínali tlačidlom "direct input".

Yamaha AX-2000A Inputs

Info from Yamaha.com:

With the growth of CD, DAT and audio-visual, the amps of the second half of the 1980s were groping towards a fusion with digital and video sources. After the A-2000 came out in 1983 and went through a minor model change to the A-2000a in 1985, the AX-2000 came out in 1987 with high resolution D/A converters and video inputs.

In 1990, in a dizzying about face, the D/A converters and video inputs/outputs were removed on the audio-only AX-2000A. There was not yet an A/V amp category, and the various manufacturers differed on whether digital audio or video inputs should be included, but as far as Yamaha was concerned, based on its experience with the AX-2000, it was decided to pursue A/V amp development, but for audio amps it was decided to insist on analog audio inputs, and this policy was visible in the AX-2000A. The old AX-2000 applied technology developed for the Yamaha 100-year anniversary monumental product "10000 Series".

The power amp circuit was the HCA (Hyperbolic Conversion Class A operation) and greatly surpassed the previous A-2000 that had Dual Amp Class A and a ZDR power amp circuit. However it mainly received attention for its D/A converters and video inputs, which gave the impression that it was somehow lacking on the audio side. To correct this, it was decided to remove all the D/A converters and video inputs, and to further evolve the Active Volume Control from the old AX-2000 to increase the signal-to-noise ratio by 22dB in actual listening conditions (dubbed MEGA-SN, or Most Effective Gain Arrangement for Signal to Noise ratio). In addition, in order to get the best audio quality from digital sources such as CD and DAT, the Mega Direct In circuit was employed.

Finally with the AX-2000 Series it was possible to change the input selector or adjust the volume by remote control, and the selector circuit used a discrete FET electrical switch to prevent sound degradation. The chassis was completely separated into preamp and power amp sections with completely symmetrical two-box construction, the chassis and frame were completely copper plated, and the power amp circuit board was located so as to be in contact with the non-metallic wood panel on both sides to reduce mutual interference and electromagnetic distortion. This model was a compilation of Yamaha integrated amp technology in the 1970s and 1980s, and at the same time was a model that showed unshakeable belief in pure audio even after the baptism into the digital and A/V age.



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